Offerings can be received in person, by mail, online or by text. Whatever method you choose, Sterling UMC is grateful for your contribution!

Give by Mail
You can mail a check made out Sterling United Methodist Church to:
Sterling United Methodist Church
Attn: Dana Smedley
304 E Church Road
Sterling, VA 20167
Give Online
Online Giving allows you to use a credit card, debit card, or make a bank transfer directly from your account to make a donation over the web. When you give online, you will be connected to Stripe, the payment processor for our church management software provider Breeze. Stripe is one of the industry leaders in online payment processing, providing a secure giving portal that ensures your financial information is handled securely and payment is processed professionally.
Donations that you make through online and text giving will immediately post to your contributions within your Breeze profile.
The convenience of giving online does come with a small cost to the church that you will have the opportunity to help with should you desire.
You can choose either to give a one-time donation or to create a recurring donation. You will be given the opportunity to create an account, which will facilitate more streamlined giving in the future, or simply make a one-time donation. If you choose to give via an account, you can either login or create an account for the first time. If you choose to give without creating an account, you can simply input your information.
You will be asked to supply your payment method (credit card, debit card, or bank account) and you will be prompted to input your payment source information.
Once you complete and submit that information, you will be directed to a page where you will need to confirm that the information is correct. After this process is complete, you will receive an email confirming your payment.

Give by Text
You can also make donations or fulfill your weekly pledge by texting your contribution via your cell phone.
To donate by text, you simply text the amount you would like to give to our number 571-200-5008 (e.g. $50).
If it’s the first time you are donating by text, you will be asked to supply your payment method (credit card, debit card, or bank account) and you will be prompted to input your payment source information. Your payment will be processed through Stripe, the same secure processing company used for your online giving.
Once you have completed your text donation you will receive a text thanking you for your contribution and you will be emailed a receipt.
For future donations, you will simply need to text the word GIVE to the number above and then you will be asked for the amount you would like to donate. If you would like to set up a recurring gift through your text, after your amount, you can add the words ‘weekly,’ ‘biweekly,’ ‘monthly,’ or ‘yearly.’
There will not be a need to enter payment information again, however if you need to change your payment method or update your recurring gift, text the word update and you will get a link where you can make these changes.
Your donations made via text will immediately post to your Breeze profile.
If you ever need to unlink your phone from the text-to-give system simply text the word unlink.