A Voice in the Wilderness
December 4, 2022
Linda was born and raised in Massachusetts. Most of her childhood was spent in Canton, MA, a suburb of Boston. She lived with her parents and younger sister, Pat. Her family was active in an American Baptist church in the neighboring town of Sharon, MA. There, her parents served in various positions in the church while she was active in choir and youth group. Growing up, Linda enjoyed reading, playing the piano, and was, later, active in the high school’s theater group. She enjoyed school and learning, and was a good student.
She attended Bentley College in Waltham, MA where she received a Bachelor’s degree in Finance and Economics. Linda was recruited by Marriott Corporation during her senior year and was assigned to hotels in the midwest, working in the area of finance. While working in the Omaha, Nebraska Marriott, she met Mark, who was the Director of Catering at the time. They fell in love, got married; and then Linda was transferred to work at Marriott corporate headquarters in Bethseda, MD.
They settled in Annandale, VA, and began looking for a church. They joined St. Matthew’s UMC and volunteered in Youth Ministry. After their daughter, Sarah, was born, Linda stayed home while Mark started a home improvement business. Their son, Jonathan, was born several years later.
Mark and Linda were very involved in the ministries of St. Matthew’s. Over time, Linda served on staff at St. Matthew’s in various part-time positions: Director of the Mother’s Day Out ministry, Director of Youth Ministry and Director of Discipleship and Congregational Care. During that time, she felt a growing call to full time ministry, but wasn’t certain exactly what that would look like.
She felt the “nudge” to start seminary; working part-time at St. Matthew’s and going to school part-time. She received a scholarship that enabled her to attend seminary full time, and she discerned a call to serve in ministry as an Elder in the United Methodist Church.
She completed her seminary education and was appointed to Clarendon UMC as their Associate Pastor alongside Glen Evans as Senior Pastor. She was then appointed to St. Matthew’s UMC in Annandale, where she served as Associate Pastor with Senior Pastor, Ken Jackson and Associate Pastor, Herb Brynildsen.
After several years, Linda was appointed to serve as Head Pastor at Buckhall UMC in Manassas; where she served for 9 years. Most recently she has been appointed to serve at as Senior Pastor at Sterling UMC. She is excited and looking forward to engaging in fruitful ministry with the people at Sterling UMC.
December 4, 2022
November 27, 2022
November 20, 2022
November 13, 2022
October 22, 2022
October 9, 2022
October 2, 2022
September 25, 2022
September 18, 2022